Pimps and pundits

February 12, 2008

The Clinton’s are STILL up in arms about last weeks comments from MSNBC anchor David Shuster. The reporter, David Shuster, had said Thursday that Ms. Clinton had been “pimped out” to make calls to superdelegates on behalf of her mother. OK, he said something unfortunate. What next?

Shuster apologized. MSNBC apologized in a very public statement by Keith Olberman, telling the Clintons, “We are, literally, dreadfully sorry.” So we all move on, right?

Not Hillary Clinton, who continued to lobby for further repercussions for Shuster, and threatening to pull out of a scheduled debate on MSNBC in a lettter to the network. The Clinton’s are clearly angry, and as they have always done, scurried to protect 27 year old Chelsea Clinton.

Barbara Walters was not on the View the afternoon that Chelsea Clinton called the view anchors. However, she has made the most sensible statement about this yet – GET OVER IT! Here was her statement at the time :

“It was as if she was advocating more than just his being suspended. Perhaps I feel this because of the years, and all of you, we are live, and sometimes you say something unfortunate. You apologize, he’s getting suspended, he apologized, MSNBC apologized. Drop it already! It’s OK. He made a mistake.”

I agree. Chelsea is 27, out of college, out of grad school, and campaigning for her mom. Let me repeat that, CAMPAIGNING for her mom. She is openly calling superdelegates to ask for their vote for her mom, appearing at campaign rallies, and generally putting herself in the spotlight. Commenting that she is out there is fair game too.

I certainly understood the protection and privacy for Chelsea back when Bill Clinton was president – she was only 10 or 11 years old when he took office. But if she is going to be a political wonk as an adult, then she has to be prepared to take her lumps.

Chelsea Clinton is NOT your average campaign staffer making calls. Hillary DID “pimp her out”. I agree that the term is regretful, but the reality of the situation is what it is. Chelsea has been activated as a campaign resource by her parents. Hillary did ask her to go out and sell the family name.

Enough already Mrs. Clinton, can we get back to the issues please?